I have to be honest with you, I haven't always been great at managing my emotional health. To be frank, I had no idea what “regulating” or “managing” my emotions was, much less how to do it.

After taking control of the emotions I spent so much time avoiding, resisting and rejecting, I built a bond with myself that I never thought was possible. Getting to this point in my healing journey felt a lot like an emotional roller coaster, but I must admit it has been the most liberating and rewarding experience of my entire life.

After taking the time to actively learn how to increase my emotional IQ just by simply getting curious about myself, I am happy to say that my emotions are no longer my weakness, but instead, my greatest superpower.

My Journey

Growing up I was always told to “stop crying”, “stop laughing”, “stop getting so angry” “stop being so sensitive”...and the list goes on.

My whole life I was conditioned to believe that feeling my emotions was something I needed to suppress or stop because it made everyone around me uncomfortable. I was made to believe that I was “overreacting” and that I was weak for feeling so deeply. 

So in order to win over the approval of my parents and behave like the good child I was told to be, I took their advice and avoided, resisted, and rejected all of my emotions. 

I did that for so long that when I did feel the slightest bit of anger or sadness, I shamed myself for having them and quite honestly, I beat myself for feeling so weak. 

This pattern carried on into my adulthood, and I soon realized that I was constantly reacting instead of responding to situations in my life, especially in my relationships with friends, family, romantic partners, co-workers, and even strangers.

The emotions I spent so much time hiding from finally caught up with me and they started to hijack my life right from under me! I couldn't understand why I felt so angry all the time or why I cried so much sometimes. I started having all these unanswered questions about myself and that's what led me to embark on my journey of emotional self-discovery.

How it went

After a few years of therapy, a number of self help books, and the fast growing self help community growing on social media, I absorbed all the information I could on how to heal and really find myself in all the chaos.

It was one heck of a ride! 

I got curious with myself and found that the inner wounds I had from my past experiences, that I spent so much time burying, were the cause of my emotional reactions on a subconscious level. I learned that feeling my emotions are what actually make us human and that it was absolutely no mistake that our emotions are hardwired in the human body to tell you something that you otherwise couldn't visibly see. 

My emotions became my greatest teachers. Yup! Each and every one of them, especially the painful ones.

I learned how to manage and regulate my emotions from the inside out and now I am finally the one back in the driver's seat calling the shots in my life. I soon realized that the reason my life felt so out of control before was simply because I had a low emotional IQ. I just didn't have the skills, tools, or resources to understand what I was feeling and begin to regulate them so that they didn't consume me.

Emotional regulation is just that, a skill. And like any skill, it can be learned with patience and practice.

Where I am now

After increasing my emotional intelligence, I’ve learned how to process and control an angry outburst. A crying episode no longer lasts an hour, but instead 15 minutes.

My anxiety no longer stops me from trying new things and doubting myself, but I have the courage to push through even when I’m scared.

And my fear of failure and the need for everyone's approval, well that's a thing of the past. 

Today, I teach people all over the world how to reinvent their emotional intelligence through my 5-Step Process, so that you can take control of your life again.

 I strongly believe that you have the power to create the life you turley desire, and that starts with knowing how to manage your thoughts and feelings to your advantage. 

Emotional wellness is all about confronting your deepest fears and weaknesses.

It’s about shining a light on the parts of yourself that you have been hiding from and no longer being at its mercy but allowing them to fuel your strength. 

I set myself free when I finally gave myself permission to choose me, and now I’ve made it my life's mission to help you finally choose you.

I believe that you can have everything you want

I specialize in helping people with:

  • Self-awareness, self-acceptance & self-regulation of all emotions in the body: Anger, sadness, anxiety, happiness, fear, worry, joy, guilt, shame etc.

  • Taking control of their thoughts and feelings to create action-oriented results to fuel their passion

  • Emotional Regulation/ Management

  • Boundary setting

  • Goal setting

  • Mindset Shifting 

  • Gratitude & Abundance mindset training

What others have to say

“The best part about losing yourself is that you get to find yourself again.”

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