The weight of limiting beliefs, and the cycle of self-sabotage holding you back from living the life you've always envisioned?

Let me guess…

Introducing Master your Mindset—an avenue to unlock the true potential hidden deep within you. If you're looking to get out of your own way, elevate your mindset, and become the person you’ve always imagined, this transformative journey might be your key.

In just a matter of weeks, you'll embark on a profound exploration of self-discovery and empowerment. You'll learn to take control of those negative thought patterns, respond to your emotional reactions, and dismantle the barriers that have kept you from reaching your fullest potential. As you peel back the layers of negativity and self-doubt, you'll step into a realm of intentional thinking, intentional living, and intentional freedom.

Perfect for you if:

  • The fear of making mistakes stop you from taking action and exploring new things

  • You struggle with communicating your thoughts and feelings effectively in times of conflict

  • You find yourself becoming emotionally reactive and defensive when you feel hurt or disrespected

  • You feel lost, hopeless and disconnected from your purpose and potential

  • Negative thoughts and limiting beliefs constantly hold you back from achieving your goals

  • You feel uncomfortable standing up for yourself and expressing your needs

  • Fear, anxiety and worry stop you from trying new things

  • You constantly doubt whether you made the right decision

  • You try setting new habits but struggle with staying consistent

  • You’re caught in the "what will they say" loop every time you dare to stand out or try something different

  • Chasing perfection only paves the way for stress and burnout

  • You find yourself trapped in your comfort zone feeling like time is passing you by

Imagine waking up each morning with a newfound sense of purpose, clarity, and confidence.

Picture yourself making decisions rooted in empowerment rather than doubt. Envision the ripple effects across your relationships, your career, and your overall well-being as you shed the layers of negativity and step into a life designed by you.

Master your Mindset isn't just a program; it's your passport to a life of intention and authenticity. It's the roadmap to unlocking your potential, reshaping your mindset, and crafting a future that aligns with your true desires. Embrace this transformative journey and set forth on a path of self-discovery, growth, and the realization of the life you're destined to lead.

What’s in store:

When you join Master your Mindset, you’ll receive:


1-on-1 Coaching Calls

Our biweekly, private coaching calls are designed to deliver the most influential impact. I will work with you individually to develop a plan around your goals, bring awareness to any mindset blocks and help you reframe them to your advantage so that you can hit the ground running!

Weekly Check-Ins

Our weekly check-ins are created to ensure that you are always being held accountable and making continuous progress on your own, without hitting a dead end!



Access to our members-only Knowledge Vault

You will have exclusive access to our Knowledge Vault. This is our resources library filled with worksheets, journal prompts, exercises, tools, printable guides, and book and podcast recommendations right at your fingertips so that you can practice your new skills at home and transform your mindset on a daily basis!


Daily Messaging Access

I want to be part of your mindset transformation journey every step of the way! You'll have on-demand daily messaging access via Upcoach so that you have the accountability and support you need to stay on track in times of uncertainty!


Mind-Body Balance Group Calls

The new addition to our program are the biweekly Mind-Body Balance group calls. Each session will be dedicated to teaching you a new regulation technique to help you get grounded and connect with yourself on an energetic level. These sessions are beginner-friendly and provide the support of a highly ambitious group of women on the same journey as you!

Habit Tracking

We know how hard it can be to stay consistent to new habits, that’s why this program includes a customizable habit tracker to keep you on track to your daily, weekly or monthly goals so you never miss a day!


A sneak peek of your transformation

By the end of our time together, you’ll have:

  • The emotional capacity to respond to conflict instead of reacting, and significantly enhance your conflict resolution skills

  • Begun to communicate your thoughts and feelings so that you can build meaningful connections and create mutual understanding in your relationships

  • The ability to take control over that negative self-talk and reframe your thinking to start taking action and achieve your goals

  • Begun building a long-lasting relationship with your emotional responses and finally use them to your advantage

  • Overcome perfectionism, fear of failure, and self-doubt so that you can embrace your journey with confidence and achieve your true potential

  • Reduced burnout, increased your productivity, and created a sustainable work-life balance

  • Regulated fear, anxiety, and stress to reclaim control, and thrive in all aspects of life.

  • Tried new things and explored more of who you are without being hindered by fear, unlocking a world of possibilities

  • The confidence and courage to establish healthy boundaries with friends, family members, co-workers and significant others

  • The ability to move your life forward and accomplish your goals

What clients are saying:

Working with Sarah was one of the best decisions I made! I wanted to learn more about myself and got stuck trying to answer all these questions. In 6 weeks, Sarah helped me learn a handful of things that now help me make better decisions and understand who I am. I can't wait to join a paid program with Sarah and learn more about myself. I would 100% recommend Sarah's services to anyone!”

“Over the last 6 weeks, Sarah helped me overcome some major encumbrances that have been holding me back in my personal and professional life.”

“After working with Sarah, I am in a space where I have begun to realize my true potential. I even started my own business! I never thought I could be capable of something like this and I have Sarah and her amazing program to thank for this!

Learn more about the

Master your Mindset Program

"Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time."
— Ruth Bader Ginsburg